Safety kayak course: first approach or improvement

This course is aimed to all those who want to acquire the title of professional/ commercial safety kayak, on rivers of level II-III-IV . The program includes a highly specific formation about canoe and safety technique.

A chi è rivolto: 
due tipologie di persone, per chi vuole perfezionarsi è già un safety kayaker e vuole migliorare alcuni aspetti tecnici e di soccorso, oppure per chi vorrebbe provare in futuro esame di safety kayak e vuole imporre le giuste nozioni e competenze per poi essere pronto per l'esame. 
3 days
good physical health, good swimming skills, experienced navigation in canoe up to level III, eskimo. Depending on one’s abilities it is possible to access the work shop exam to acquire the IRF safety kayak license.
Aimed to
all those who want to become professional/commercial safety kayak, on rivers of level II-III-IV.

This course is for safety kayakers who want to improve and perfect their technique, but also for those who would like to become safety kayakers and need to learn notions and skills.

Safety kayak course includes 3 days of lesson and it is organized for professionals who work in canoe as a safety figure during rafting, hydrospeed or packraft trips.

Self rescue, quick rescue, raft untie and other techniques will be enhanced during the training days.

The main goal will be to acquire good rescue skills for canoeists and perfect the techniques of canoe.

It is necessary to have a consolidated experience with canoe on rivers of level III to attend this course. Particular attention will be paid to incidents that occur in canoe and to the personal equipment to bring on a canoe. There will be simulations of a trip with incidents and rescue.

This course will be held by a Rescue Project instructor, Italian Canoe, Rafting and Kayak Federation Instructor.

What will be acquired:

  • Swimming skills certificate
  • BLS-D certificate
  • Correct use of PPE certificate, in accordance with Italian law D.Lgs 81/08
  • information and formation for commercial safety kayak, in accordance with Italian law D.Lgs 81/08


  • It is possible to rent all the necessary equipment for the course: protection devices, swimsuit, homologate helmet, homologate lashing
  • It is suggested to bring personal equipment rather
  • You can ask for support in finding your accommodation nearby our site

Detailed program, training objectives, equipment details

Upcoming dates on the calendar

If you are interested in a course you can book it directly using our online booking service.

If you need further information please do not hesitate to contact us


Courses proposed

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