The topic of safety on workplace has become very complex and diversified, as the applicable law D.Lgs 81/08 keeps on being updated every year, but the fundamental basis hasn’t changed: employees have the right to be informed and formed about risks, employers must form and inform their employees about all specific risks related to their job ( art. 36-37 D.Lgs 81/08 ) .

Accredited body

Rescue Project is certified and recognized by the Independent Province of Trento as supplier of safety on workplace courses, according to Italian law D.Lgs 81/08. Therefore the procedures, the instructors and the methods have been approved and are in accordance with the applicable legislation.

Rescue Project, as a specialized institution on swiftwater rescue, has also created highly specialized programs for personnel who works in arduous environments with specific risks such as falling into water. It is frequently believed that a good formation is enough to avoid such risks, with specific equipment to prevent the fall: but if it actually happened to a worker to actually fall, would they be appropriately formed to deal with this risk?


All formation programs are elaborated in accordance with applicable legislation on safety and with the help of qualified instructors. Our courses suit extremely high standards, thanks to which they have been accredited with Certificate ISO 9001:15 on quality and they are constantly verified and supervised from competent bodies.

Professionalism, update, expertise and seriousness are the four pillars of a responsible formation.

Workplace safety courses

If you are interested in a course you can book it directly using our online booking service.

If you need further information please do not hesitate to contact us


Courses proposed

Correct use of PPE III category

This course is a specific training program about correct use of PPE III cat., in accordance with Italian applicable law D.Lgs 81/08.

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