Risk of falling in water management course (32 hours)

This course is aimed to all those who work with high risk of falling in swiftwater and need a good formation, in accordance with Italian applicable law D.Lgs 81/08.

4 days
good physical health and fair swimming skills
Aimed to
all those who have the necessity of a formation, in accordance with Italian applicable law D.Lgs 81/08, about safety when operating near water with a high risk of slipping and falling in water

The course for Risk of falling in water management has a duration of 4 days and 32 hours, with both theoretical and mainly practical lessons.

The course is organized with theoretical parts and practical tests in natural environment. It is also possible to organize the course on the workplace with such risks, in accordance with the reception.

The program enhances the standard procedures of motion near water, in accordance with safety on workplace legislation, PPE and equipment , environmental analysis, self rescue and others’ rescue procedures. The course is presented as a general formation program: it is possible to organize a customized course program with specific necessities of participants and their company or society. The School is always available for adapting the courses in accordance with actual needs, related to environment, tasks, level of risk of the company.

The course is aimed to anyone who operates near water and has a high risk of falling while operating, for example Civil Protection, Firefighters, and other private and public companies who operate near whitewater and have the necessity of a formation in accordance with Italian applicable law D.Lgs 81/08.

The articles 36 and 37 of Italian Consolidated Act in matter of Safety on Workplace clearly states the requirement for an employer to supply an exhaustive formation and information to their employees. Each institution has its own specific characteristics and peculiarities, therefore Rescue Project School supplies a generic program that can be elaborated and structured after the specific necessities of the institution or company, without undermining the fundamental basis content.

What will be released

  • Natatory skills certificate
  • ATP license about self protection, in accordance with Italian applicable law D.Lgs 81/08
  • Correct use of PPE third category certificate


  • It is possible to organize and integrate BLS-D course ( Basic Life Support with defibrillator )
  • It is possible to organize and integrate correct use of PPE third category course
  • You can ask for support in finding your accommodation nearby our site
  • Since the course is specifically aimed to a company, the dates of the course will be decided directly with reception and customer

Detailed program, training objectives, equipment details

Upcoming dates on the calendar

2 - Aug 24
Rischio caduta in acqua 32 ore
Rischio caduta in acqua 32 ore


If you are interested in a course you can book it directly using our online booking service.

If you need further information please do not hesitate to contact us


Courses proposed

Correct use of PPE III category

This course is a specific training program about correct use of PPE III cat., in accordance with Italian applicable law D.Lgs 81/08.

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